14:30-15:00 开幕式及照相
致 辞:樊代明、Raymond ARDAILLOU、Norbert PALUCH (法国驻华使馆科技参赞)、王茜
15:00-18:00 主旨报告
主持人:樊代明, Raymond ARDAILLOU
1) Judith Aron-Wisnewsky :肠道菌群和轻度炎症是癌症的合并因子
2) 詹启敏:功能基因组与食管癌
16:00-16:30 茶休
3) Jérome Galon :微环境与肿瘤
4) 田志刚:肝脏免疫微环境与肿瘤发生
17:30-18:00 专题讨论、提问环节
18:00-18:30 赛维雅奖颁奖仪式
19:00-21:00 晚宴
08:00-10:30 第一场
主持人:Laurent DEGOS,吴开春
1) Mathias Chamaillard :肠道菌群在胃肠道肿瘤发生中的作用
2) 赵立平:肠道菌群,代谢性疾病和肿瘤
3) Anne-Marie Cassard : 肠道菌群紊乱与肝脏炎症— 肠道菌群是肝脏疾病的新靶点
4) 贾伟平:肠道菌群与大肠癌
5) Philippe Seksik : IBD相关的肠道菌群紊乱对肠道炎症通路的影响
6) 张发明:肠道炎症和粪菌移植
主持人: Jacqueline CAPEAU,田志刚
7) 林东昕:肿瘤易感性与炎症
8) Jacqueline Capeau : HIV相关炎症在癌症发生及治疗选择中的作用
9) 曹亚:肿瘤代谢组学应用
12:30-13:30 午餐
13:30-15:30 第三场
主持人: Patrice DEBRE,杨安钢
11) Patrice Debré : 癌症和免疫效应细胞
14) Cécile Badoual :肿瘤微环境与HPV阳性头颈部鳞癌
15:30-15:45 茶休
15:45-18:30 第四场
主持人: 樊代明,Jérôme GALON,曹亚
16) Romain Gineste :针对宿主免疫系统鉴定出乳癌和大肠癌预后判断或预警的生物标志物(Sino-
European Consortium IMMUNOCAN FP7- INCOLAB)
17)王福生: HBV作为肝癌的治疗靶点
19)吴开春 :胃癌——从基础到临床
20)Kjellong(瑞典乌普萨拉大学) 圆桌会议讨论
18:30闭幕式, 主持人:吴开春
致辞:詹启敏, Patrice DEBRE
Fourth Sino-French Symposium on Infectious Diseases: Inflammation and Cancer
Venue: Tanghua Hotel, Xi'an, China
Dates: 14-15 September 2014
Organizers: Chinese Academy of Engineering
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
National Academy of Medicine France
Host: The Fourth Military Medical University
Supporters: Sino-French Foundation for Sciences and its Applications (FFCSA)
Foundation Mérieux
Servier Laboratories Ltd
Language:English will be Working Language for the Symposium
Secretariat: Liang Jie:+86 13488260468 Zhu Yu:+86 15011232688 Li Dongmei: +86 13501299978
September 14
Morning: Visit Fourth Military Medical University and Xijing Hospital
Bilateral Talks on 2015 Sino-French Cooperation
14:30-15:00 OPENING CEREMONY and Photo
Chair Person: Kai-chun Wu
Address: Dai-ming Fan, Raymond ARDAILLOU, Norbert PALUCH, Qian Wang
15:00-18:00 Introductory Keynotes
Chairpersons: Dai-ming Fan, Raymond ARDAILLOU
1) Judith Aron-Wisnewsky: Microbiota and low grade inflammation as a co-morbidity
factor in cancers
2) Qi-min Zhan: Esophageal cancer and functional genomics
16:00-16:30 Tea Break
3) Jérome Galon: Microenvironment and cancer
4) Zhi-gang Tian: Immune environment of the liver and cancer development
17:30-18:00 Panel Discussion, Q&A Session
18:00-18:30Award ceremony—ANM/Servier Prize Awardees: Sai-juan Chen, Chang-geng Ruan
Presented by Raymond ARDAILLOU and Yannis TSOUDEROS
19:00-21:00 Dinner
September 15
08:00- 10:30 Session 1
Microbiota, inflammation and cancers
Chairpersons: Laurent DEGOS, Kai-chun Wu
1) Mathias Chamaillard : the role of microbiota in the cancerogenesis of gastro
intestinal cancers
2) Li-ping Zhao: Microbiota and metabolic disorders including cancer
3) Anne-Marie Cassard : Liver inflammation and intestinal dysbiosis : the microbiota as
a new target in liver diseases
4) Wei-ping Jia: Microbiota and colorectal cancer
5) Philippe Seksik : IBD-associated dysbiosis : impact on gut inflammation pathways
6) Fa-ming Zhang: Intestinal inflammation and fecal microbiota transplantation
Panel Discussion, Q&A Session
10:30 -11:00 Coffee Break
11:00- 12:30 Session 2
Chronic inflammation and cancer
Chairpersons: Jacqueline CAPEAU, Zhi-gang Tian
7) Dong-xin Lin: Cancer susceptibility and inflammation
8) Jacqueline Capeau : HIV-associated inflammation: role in cancer and therapeutic options
9) Ya Cao: Metabolomics application in cancer
10) Li-bo Yao: Chronic inflammation and GI cancers
Panel Discussion, Q&A Session
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30 -15:30 Session 3
Control of inflammation-associated cancers
Chairpersons: Patrice DEBRE, An-gang Yang
11) Patrice Debré: Cancer and immune effector cells
12) Zhi-hai Qin: Cancer and stromal myofibroblasts
13) Li-min Zheng: Tumor-associated macrophages and cancer
14) Cécile Badoual : Tumor microenvironment in HPV+ squamous cell carcinoma of the head
and neck
15) Bo Huang: Immunotherapy for cancer
Panel Discussion, Q&A Session
15:30-15:45 Tea Break
15:45-18:30 Session4
Translational studies for inflammation and cancer
Chairpersons: Jérôme GALON, Ya Cao
16) Romain Gineste: Targeting host immune system to identify prognostic and
predictive biomarkers in Chinese breast and colorectal cancer patients (Sino-European
17) Fu-sheng Wang: Is HBV a target for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma?
18) Xiao-feng Sun (from Linkoping University, Sweden): Development of novel biomarkers
for colorectal cancer
19) Kai-chun Wu: Gastric cancer, from bench to bedside
20) Kjellong (from Uppsala University)
Round Table Discussion
18:30 CONCLUSIONS, Chairperson: Kai-chun Wu
Address: Qi-min Zhan, Patrice DEBRE |